Nuclear family vs joint family debate

 [ Nuclear family vs joint family debate ]Nuclear family is the one where family members are from two generations i.e. parents and their children while the joint family has got members from more than two generations. 

Nuclear family vs joint family debate 

The Nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children. And in joint family one might find a man,his wife, sons, daughters, daughter in law, grand children etc. The oldest member of the family is considered to be the head of the family; mostly grandfather or grandmother hos got this privilege.

Nuclear family vs joint family debate
Joint family was quite apparent in ancient times, however, things changed with time both of the family systems have got some or the other advantages as well as disadvantage. Mostly, the joint family systems used to be found in villages and small cities.

Now, here comes the interesting questions why joint family systems disinterested. One of the major reasons is nothing but the better job opportunities available in cities. It led to migration of people from small cities with only a few opportunity to larger cities with better opportunities. There are not only job opportunities there but facilities of every kind. People look for better living standard, medical facilities, higher wages and better education facilities for their children. Here comes the role of migration. Now it's not easy for elderly people to adjust in other places than the places where to they lived since birth or for longer period of their lives. They have certain attachment with people there. Needless to say that India developed rapidly and so did the thinking of newer members, which emerged differences between generations.

A nuclear family has many advantages. In such families, the mother is given much important and that's why ahe can take care of her children in much better way because children spend good amount of time with their mother. Mother has got decision making powers and obviously as she wants her children to perform the best, she wants everything cautiously and this makes a great impact in her children's life. A nuclear family has some advantages too, particularly when both the parents are working. Children don't get proper attention and they sometimes miss love and care, which leads to be their attempts for love and care from outsiders, who can betray them. Guidance is quite inevitable for children since childhood.

It is not possible to conclude which family system is better as both have certain advantages but disadvantages too.


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