Maize cultivation in India

 Maize cultivation of India In India, Maize is grown throughout the year. It is predominantly a Kharif crop with 85 percent of the area under cultivation during the season.

Maize cultivation in India 

 Maize is the third most important cereal crop in India after rice and wheat. It accounts for around 10 percent of total food grain production in the country.

Maize cultivation in India

Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that when fertilized yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits. Maize is an annual grass in the family Gramineae, which includes such plants as wheat, rye, barley, rice, sorghum, and sugarcane. There are two major species of the genus Zea (out of six total): Zea mays (maize) and Zea diploperennis, which is a perennial type of teosinte. It is a versatile crop, can grow under a wide variety of geographical conditions. It can also be cultivated throughout the year. The most maize producing states in India are Karnataka, Andhra, Bihar, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Odisha l.

Maize can be grown in all seasons viz; Kharif (monsoon), post monsoon, Rabi (winter) and spring. During Rabi and spring seasons to achieve higher yield at farmer's field assured irrigation facilities are required.

Maize is sown in rows, 60-75 cm apart, whereas the plants in the row are spaced at 20 to 25 cm. A population of 60-75 thousand plants per hectare at harvest are required for obtaining the optimum yield. Sowing in rows is generally done with drill or by dropping the seed behind the plough.

Maize planted in cold, wet soil is unlikely to seed germinate. Maize plant grows best in air temperatures from 15 to 35°C. Maize can take from 60 to 100 days to reach harvest depending upon plant variety and the amount of heat during the growing season.

When it comes to pluck the maize 🌽 off the plant we will pluck it and enjoy in a different and variety ways such as burn the maize to eat and make popcorn 🍿 to have with so enthusiasm while watching movie and hanging out with friends.


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